
Our Purpose is to create a worldwide community of alumni through opportunities for meaningful engagement.

We foster pride, participation and philanthropic commitment to Ashland University.

从亚什兰毕业后, 你就会成为校友会的一员, 不用交任何会费. You share a common bond with a group of 50,000 individuals who know the “Ashland Experience.“你交的朋友, the stories you lived out and the growth you experienced—all of it combines to solidify your lifelong connection to Ashland.


Ensuring your information is updated is a great way to stay engaged with the University and fellow alumni. 例如, we want to ensure you’re receiving the latest Accent Magazine and stories via email so you’re always connected. Or, 如果你在庆祝孩子或孙子的生日, it might be time to ask us if they are enrolled in the Future Eagles Legacy Program. 如果你在计划你的日程表, ensure your information is correct in our system so you won’t miss even one moment of what we have planned for Homecoming this year.


未来鹰遗产计划招募并认可儿童, 阿什兰校友的继子女和孙辈.

作为项目的一部分, legacies are recognized at birth and again on their significant birthdays throughout their lives. 当孩子, 继子女或孙辈申请葡京平台线上, 他们得到1美元,000英镑遗产奖学金, 通过保持令人满意的学业进步,哪一种是可再生的.

On average, 214 legacy students are enrolled each year in classes at Ashland!



在亚什兰,我们的重点是个人. One way we celebrate individuals is to recognize achievement across a broad spectrum of career paths, 年龄, relationships to the university and callings to serve both in our community and across the globe. 这就是校友奖的意义所在.

Every year we give four awards recognizing professional achievement and service to others. One of these awards celebrates alumni under the age of 36 who are making a significant impact in the world.

有没有一位教授改变了你的人生轨迹? 提名他们为博士候选人. 格伦·L. 克莱顿奖. Know someone who is not an alumni, but has lived out the values of Ashland University? 这也有一个奖项.

An alumni award is the perfect way to honor a person whose story has set the stage for your own. Learn more about the individual awards below—and then nominate someone today!


Mission Statement: The mission of the Ashland University 校友 Association is to engage alumni with Ashland University where "Accent on the Individual" is a lifelong experience.

在董事会任职意味着成为传统的一部分, showing pride in your alma mater and making an impact on the future of Ashland. 作为董事会成员, you’ll discuss current issues with University leaders and hear from other speakers across campus about student activities, 教师项目和战略重点. You will have a voice and a chance to make a difference in the current student experience at Ashland and the experience provided to alumni across the globe.



葡京平台线上是你终身学习的目的地. Students who earned a bachelor's degree or those who have already earned a graduate degree at AU are eligible for this scholarship to continue in a graduate program or certificate. Full time students will receive a 15% tuition discount and part time students will receive a 10% tuition discount. 此折扣不能与其他学费折扣合并使用.


保持健康! 校友娱乐中心会员资格

Membership to the Ashland University Recreation Center is available to alumni in the Ashland community including their spouses and families. 学期会员和30天的通行证都是可用的.

联系人: recservices@亚什兰.edu 或打电话 419.289.5440 获得会员资格


Ohio residents can display their pride by purchasing an Ashland University license plate. Your license plate tells the world you are an Eagle, and your purchase supports our current students!

联系你当地的机动车辆管理局 www.oplates.com 申请表格.


The Ashland University 校友 Insurance Program is a convenient source for health and life insurance for alumni and their family members. 有各种各样的计划可以满足你的需要, 包括短期医疗, 团体定期寿险, 旅行, 牙科和视力,甚至宠物健康保险! 欲了解更多有关这些计划的信息,请访问 www.TheAIP.com/Ashland 或致电校友保险计划 1-800-922-1245 工作日,东部时间上午8点到下午6点.


大家最喜欢的口音杂志部分现在在线! Share the milestones in your life with the Ashland University community quickly and easily by using the link below.

在全球范围内,非盟校友正在做着伟大的事情. Explore this interactive map to experience where in the world your fellow Eagles are leading, 教学, 服务创新. 然后添加你的信息以保持在循环中.


Requesting an official or unofficial transcript is made easy through Ashland University’s Registrar’S Office.


Experience the Ashland University family through our online photo albums! We highlight photos from our larger events such as Homecoming and 校友奖.

